Applying for a Credit Card in Japan; Requirmemts and Tips for Passing the Screening.

When you move to Japan, the first thing you think about is how to secure a payment method, in other word, having a credit card published in Japan. In this article, we will look into qualifications and things to prepare when foreigners apply for a credit card in Japan all along with some points you need to have in mind to pass the screening.

Is it possible for foreginers to get a credit card published in Japan?

\\ The answer is //

you absolutely can!

Of course, foreigners can get credit cards in Japan.



・Certificate of Residence

・Bank account

・Health Insurence Card

・Personal ID

・Residency Card(it requires you to submit informations on your occupational status, etc)

These are things you need to apply for a credit card in alomst any countries.

It is pretty much simple as you can see.

Be prepard with the things listed above, let’s look into further notices in detail.

5 points that make foreigners more likely to pass the screening

  • Been in Japan for more than 3 months
  • Having an address in Japan
  • Having a bank acount in Japan
  • Having a effective phone number in Japan ( this has to be a personal phone number, not the ones represent company you work for)
  • Having a Residency Card or Student ID

The more things you own, the easier it will be to pass the screening.

These will be explained by the followings.

Been in Japan for more than 3 months

The longer you stay in Japan, more possibilities it will be to pass the screening.

When it comes to apply for a credit card, you need to stay in Japan at least 3 months. If you have more residency period, the posibilities will go even higher.

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Why don’t you apply for a credit card after 3 months of staying in Japan.

Having an address in Japan


It is a requirment to have an address in Japan to apply for a credit card in Japan.

Japanese Immigration law states that foreigners who stays more than 3 months are oblidged to submit their address to a nearby city office within 14 days they settled in new places.

If you haven’t submit your address, it is mandatory for you to submit your latest address to a city office.

A caution to keep in mind; if you change your address often, it can impact the screening result nagatively, because it shows you are not setteled in one place, in other words, you can be seen as not reliable enough.

Having a bank acount in Japan

\\ A bank account in Japanses bank is a requirment. //

It is necessary for you to set a Japanses bank account when applying for a credit card. It has to be an account provided by a bank mainly based in Japan.

If you currently don’t own one, this might be the first thing you need to tackle.

Having a effective phone number in Japan

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You may get a phone call to verify your application.

A personal phone number is essential for application.

You are needed to pick up a phone call from a credit card company, because it is a necesssary procedure they take.

Having a Residency Card or Student ID

  • Residency Card
  • Passport
  • Student ID (if you are a student in Japan)
  • Permanent Residency Status

Be prepared with one of those personal ID listed above.

Things taken seriousely in screening

Visa / Residency Status

You will be ckecked your residency status if it is valid, visa types, and how long the status will be valid.

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If your visa will expired in few months, you might not pass the screening.

Employment Status

Not only your salary but also your employment status matters. It matters if it’s full-time job or part-time job, and how long you have been working in the current job, all of which can be facters to show how stable your job is.

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If you’re getting a stable salary, it will surely make the screening process smoother.

However, there is no need for you to give up simply because your salary is might not enough to apply for one,

because there actually is a credit card which is available to wider audience.

Other Things to Consider

Not everyting raised above in this article decides the results of application. There are other facters that influence the result, such as your fluency in Japanese and residency status of your maried partner.

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  • Being maried to a one with Japanese nationality / permanent residency status and owing a partnership visa
  • Owing a drivers lisence or Personal ID publised by Japanese government
  • Having a good credit score by paying off a loan
  • Staying in Japan for long period of time
  • Emplyed with a fulll-time job
  • No record of overdue payment

These can be strong facters to ensure you that you’re very much reliable.

Credit Information

In Japan, credit card companies refer to credit information which records overdues and such. It is a system based in Japan, which means credit information from other countries might not be evident when applying for a one in Japan. Though, it is certain that if you ever had problems regarding payments or loans, the record can affect your application result. In addition, if you apply for multiple credit cards in short period of time, it can often be seen nagatively.

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Note that applying for mutiple credit cards at the same time will make you look desperate, which sends a

negative message.

Let me emphasize that not all the things explained in this article decides the result 100%. What I need to state here is that there are many aspects when it comes to applucation results for foreigners. The decisions are made by banks and credit card companies, which is of course impossible for applicants to find out the exact reasons of the results. It is neary impossible to know the full picture, which is why it is effective to keep in mind things listed in this article to get a better result.

\\ Rakuten Credit Card is known to be accessible for broader audience//

Click “HERE” to learn about application procedures for Rakuten Credit Card




・Certificate of Residence

・Bank account

・Health Insurence Card

・Personal ID

・Residency Card(it requires you to submit informations on your occupational status, etc)

  • Been in Japan for more than 3 months
  • Having an address in Japan
  • Having a bank acount in Japan
  • Having a effective phone number in Japan
  • Having a Residency Card or Student ID

In this article, we went through requirments and things neceaasry when foreigners apply for a credit card in Japan. Did you get clearer vison to apply for one?

By getting a credit card, it is high likely that your life in Japan will be more convenient and easier.

Hoping for your smooth application and good result. See you very soon👍


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